Afternoon musings.....

Time To Reflect...

      What was I doing?........

      Ok. So.... I've made it to the blog... Yes! 

      I've posted out my parcels, drunk coffee, maybe sneaked a small galaxy ripple heehee, I've found some awesome websites on the the t'internet of fabulous biz ladies! (oh ok that wasn't on my to-do list but Facebook made me do it!).

      Lovely Leonie!
      and gorgeous Kate!

      I really need to get my shit together... all this procrastinating is doing me no good.

       I think I'm just feeling nervous about getting my stuff out there?! Is anybody going to like it? is anybody going to actually read this? Helloooo! 
      Is this even possible? 
      Do people really want my ideas on living an awesome life after Mental Health Problems? 
      I'm back in that 'unworthy' feeling again! agh! 

      No its cool I can do this! 
      As soon as I get my thoughts going on this 'ere laptop, things start to flow....


      Yeah its cool.

      I've got a butt ton of info and ideas on how to get your life back on track after sucky balls MH issues. 

      I've been there and done it myself. 

      I wish I'd had the confidence to do this years ago!

       I don't want to focus too much on the 'life before life' but it's what has made me who I am.

       It's not something to be ashamed of, its not really something I want to revisit too often, but I'm guessing my psychologist will talk me back through some stuff...again. 
      At least I feel that she's actually helping me this time. Before it was always the same old clichĂ©s of 'how do you feel about that?' well I feel pretty effing shitty to be honest & that's where my O.C.D stems from...
      But.... that's not gonna help me move forward is it?. 

      What has helped me move forward is finding a tribe of women with similar goals to mine. Whilst creating , I've been bouncing around a few biz groups and while the majority is people who are creating marketing/yoga/skin care businesses, which is great and I might add they've all got some brilliant ideas and approaches (a lot of which I've signed up for!)I'm the only one who seems to be doing something for life after mental health in my way, which is great, no chance of copy cats, but it does leave me on my own track.

      Anyway, these wonderful women I have found, who truly, genuinely want the best for everyone else are just so inspiring!
      I see all of us struggling with self worth and confidence. But we are all powering through it. We all know that on the other side of this bumpy ride is something amazing and achievable. I think they remind me of the mental health ride I was once on. But this time instead of being surrounded by people who either didn't think I could make it, or didn't have any faith in themselves or me, this time we are all so full of hope and excitement that we are massively stepping out of our comforts zone into 'the one of Magic'!


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